This first post is to establish a fact that is often unfairly characterized in the political world: religion (Christianity) is NOT a "right wing" monopoly.
A Christian writer named Derek Webb sings in his song A King and a Kingdom, "There are two great lies that I've heard: 'the day you eat of the fruit of that tree, you
As a Christian, I am sick of being pigeon-holed into the right-wing, conservative, Republican agenda as if "this is what all Christians believe". I have no allegiance to the Republican party (or the Democratic party for that matter) because my allegiance is to a kingdom that is not of this world--and frankly does not function like this world (i.e., first is last, suffering is victory, loss is gain, etc.).
The propaganda machine of the Republican party (which has been adopted by some Democratic candidates) that flaunts their "Christian beliefs" as a way to win votes is simply unacceptable. I am offended when candidates quote scripture (often times completely out of context thereby distorting the true meaning of the passage) and acting as if they are a part of some "end times" scheme that is based off of faulty theology to begin with (see for more information). I do not want to see the pledge of allegiance being said in my worship services any more than I want to see God's name drug through the discourse of political policies to stamp their own personal agendas with a divine right of passage.
"Why do you feel this way about faith and politics?" some may ask. Because I am tired of paying, as a Christian, for the sins of politicians that wear the badge of Christ but do not emulate the message of Jesus in their lives or policies. I am tired of wars being waged in the name of Christ. I am tired of Jesus being a tool for political propaganda. I am tired of being caricatured as something other than a follower of Christ, my King, as part of different empire than the American one. The ideology I strive after has nothing to do with an American dream--in fact many would see my ideals as nightmares (i.e., anti-materialistic, pacifistic in all areas of my life, etc.).
As a result, I would like to offer in several forthcoming posts the way in which I as a Christian look at politics, and specifically this upcoming election. I will admit, my faith will guide my vote--but it is a guide that is not partial to any party, but rather to the Politics of Jesus (see John Howard Yoder's, The Politics of Jesus).
For other Christians that are NOT Republican please see: Donald Miller (Blue Like Jazz), Jim Wallis (God's Politics), and many, many more. For other Christian perspectives on politics see:
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