Thursday, October 02, 2008

Hey Tonight!

Hey Ryan,

I'm just wondering what Joltin' Joe Biden has to do tonight to come out ahead in the debate. I mean, there's no doubt he has the experience edge, but he's still in a tough spot when it comes to approach. How do you hit Palin hard and not make it look like a fight between Rocky and Paulie? If Biden strikes the wrong tone, he could "lose" the debate based on perception (much as John McCain did last Friday).

But, if he holds back, he risks giving Palin the opening to spin her nonsensical meanderings into something that connects with voters. It could happen. I mean, what is it about this lady that appeals to voters? Oh, yeah, right, sorry, she's just like us...I forgot.

I think Biden's winning strategy...or is it a tactic? I'll have to ask McCain for clarification. Anyway, Biden wins if he splits his brain right down the middle, mixing just the right amount of his own candidacy and policy with an equal helping of true voter curiosity about Palin's knowledge and positions. If he can create an air of truly wanting to know where she stands without letting condescension creep into the discussion, he just might come out on top all the way around.

What do you think?


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