Saturday, November 08, 2008

The Return of the Blue Dress(es)

Hey Ryan,

So, I suppose it might fly in the face of the once-again-cool notion of bipartisanship, but I've got to laugh at the recent "Dressgate" going on around Sarah Palin. I hope this is the last time I have to write about this particular governor, whose embarrassing intellect is an egregious insult to democracy, but never say never, right?

As I listened to Eva Emptyhead drone on about the Case of the Overwhelming Clothing Tab, it struck me as somewhat ironic that these clothes (including dresses) that have become a symbol of GOP hypocrisy and greed echo the scandal of the infamous Lewinsky dress that outraged pious voters nearly a decade ago.

But, in my mind, Palin's situation brings up some more complex questions.

Sure, Monica's blue dress had a morally questionable stain on it, but aren't all these clothes that Palin bought with RNC donor funds just as morally (if more metaphorically) stained? Where's the integrity in claiming to be "Joe Six-Pack", but racking up a costume bill that would buy the majority of Americans an entire house?

And, if Palin is so "mavericky" and so fiscally responsible, wouldn't she just have refused these clothes on principle? Isn't that how a maverick rolls?

And, on top of all this, how can we believe what Sarah Palin says about these clothes or the reports of her (at best) diva-ish behavior and lack of intelligence when she has made outrageous claims like this:

If she's willing to lie about a report that was out in plain view for all to see, what would keep her from lying in her refutation of these blind quotes from McCain staffers?

Sure, the motivation for these staffers sounding off on Palin may be a blame game, but does that mean that they're not true? And, if even half of them are true, what would have happened had she been foisted upon us as a VP?

But if they're not true...I guess Sarah Palin deserves that, too. Now she knows how Obama might have felt when she stirred up hate by untruthfully branding him a terrorist sympathizer and a socialist.

Of course, she has changed her tone on those charges, too, so who knows if she was even telling the truth to voters on that score.

Looks like we're the only ones who've won (for now), because we dodged a bullet with this one.


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