Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Conservatives Souring on McCain/Palin?

Rachel Weiner from Huffington Post cites some rough Op-Eds from conservative columnists David Brooks from the New York Times, Ross Douhat from the Atlantic, and Richard Cohen from the Washington Post that throw around some pretty harsh terms for McPalin.

You can either click the link above to read the short version or each columnist's name below to read the entire pieces. Of course, I would recommend the latter if you have the time.

The greatest hits include:

--Brooks hitting on Palin's penchant to "compensate for her lack of experience with brashness and excessive decisiveness" and comparing her to Bush in this regard.

--Douhat pointing out, in response to the Gibson/Palin interview, that the governor "seemed about an inch deep on every issue outside her comfort zone" when "answering questions a vice-presidential nominee needs to be able to answer."

--And Cohen taking McCain to taks for "turn[ing] ugly" and committing "personal treason" in choosing Palin as his VP.

Is it hot in here?

But the award for Best Lines goes to Brooks, who writes:

"Democracy is not average people selecting average leaders. It is average people with the wisdom to select the best prepared."

Amen to that.

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