Thursday, September 18, 2008

McCain's Next Trick: Making Carly Fiorina Disappear!

Remember Carly Fiorina? If not, let me refresh your memory...

Ahhh...the sexist rant. Gosh, it seems like only yesterday we were putting lipstick on anything that walked on four legs, but--oh wai, it WAS just yesterday we were doing that.

Well, anyway, in this same interview, Ms. Fiorina said something that made Mr. McCain pretty steamy...

Thank God! I'm glad she cleared that up! I thought we were electing these people to run Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac! Oh yeah, I guess we kind of ARE electing them for that, now, aren't we?

Anyway, while McCain thought it was funny when someone said he invented the Blackberry (or, maybe, they meant actual blackberries), he was NOT amused by this admission from Fiorina. As such, she will (poof) disappear. While she will not be fired from the campaign, all her interviews have been cancelled. So, she might as well be Sarah Palin.

So, chalk up McCain, Palin, Obama, and Biden on the list of people who couldn't run a company. Should we add any other names to this list? Oh, I've got one:

Carly Fiorina

AND she left with a $21.1 million Golden Parachute severance package! If she can't run a company, Ol' Carly can certainly run a scam.

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