Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Results Mentality

So, Bush is going to give his final speech at the U.N. today and, boy, are they glad his tenure almost over. So, what's Bush the Junior going to talk about? Here's a hint from Yahoo:

US National Security advisor Stephen Hadley said Mr Bush's speech "will highlight the current challenges facing multilateral organisations like the UN and how to improve the ability of these organisations to meet these challenges".

"He'll talk about the need to focus on results," Mr Hadley said. "You've heard him say he's kind of an outcomes guy, not a process guy, and sometimes we spend too much time on the process and not enough time on the outcomes."

Great suggestion from Lil' Bush! Let's focus on results and forget about process! Who needs process? Who cares how we accomplish our goals? I mean, it worked for our financial institutions, right?


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