Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Putting On Ayers

So, John McCain says he may bring up Bill Ayers at tonight's debate. Or, he plans to. Well, glad to see your yellow streak might be planning to wear off there, Flyboy. But the fact that he is finally saying he might bring the subject up begs the question:

How important to McCain was the alleged Obama-Ayers connection in the first place?

Oh, and bonus question: Is McCain's portrayal of the relationship really even true?

If you've watched McCain's "campaign" over the past couple of months, you know the answers to these questions, but they always bear repeating:

Not very; and


See, the issue of Obama's supposed relationship with Bill Ayers is not very important to McCain because his representation is not true.

If McCain wasn't misleading the public on this, and the need for voters to know this information was so crucial, don't you think he would've brought it up before now? And, don't you think he would've taken his first opportunity to put Obama on the hot seat about it?

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